2024-7-大发彩票关闭 12:20

学术快讯 | 算力上可负担,且具有合理准确性的室外热舒适全年逐时模拟方法

​近日,大发彩票关闭建筑学系建筑技术团队研究生孙睿以第一作者身份,在高水平国际期刊《大发彩票关闭》(影响因子IF=6.6,JCR Q1)上发表了学术论文“A computationally affordable and reasonably accurate approach for annual outdoor thermal comfort assessment on an hourly basis”。该论文共同通讯作者为大发彩票关闭建筑学系建筑技术团队赖达祎副教授和天津大学天津市室内空气质量控制重点实验室刘炜教授该论文提出了基于快速流体力学、本征正交分解和雷诺独立性的室外热舒适全年逐时模拟方法,并以一处高密度居民区为例,验证并演示了该方法。


室外空间热环境和热舒适具有很强的时空不均匀性,为了评价整体情况,应在全年尺度上以高时空分辨率对室外热舒适进行分析。全年室外热舒适评价的主要技术瓶颈在于全年风场模拟的巨大计算资源消耗。基于此,此研究提出了一种基于快速流体动力学(Fast Fluid Dynamics, FFD)、本征正交分解(Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, POD)和雷诺数独立性(Reynolds Number Independence, Re-independence)来加速风场模拟的全年室外热舒适模拟方法。随后,本研究将该方法应用于真实城市环境当中,并对比通过该方法得到的通用热气候指数(Universal Thermal Climate Index, UTCI)场与完全模拟得到的UTCI场,以验证该方法的准确性。通过对比可知,该方法得到的UTCI场的平均误差仅为0.06℃,这说明方法准确性得到了验证。此外,示例场地的面积为125,600 m2,全年热舒适模拟共耗时8小时。本研究提出的方法可以在低计算成本与合理准确度的前提下,实现全年热舒适的逐时模拟,模拟结果可以为设计实践提供科学可信的指导。



The thermal environment and thermal comfort of an outdoor space have large spatial and temporal variations. To provide an overall picture, outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) should be analyzed on a yearly basic with high temporal-spatial resolution. The difficulty of annual OTC evaluation lies in the huge computational cost of wind simulations. Therefore, our study proposed a method to accelerate wind simulations through the use of Fast Fluid Dynamics (FFD), Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Reynolds Number Independence (Re-independence). A case study of an actual urban building complex was employed to validate our study by comparing the integrated index Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) results by our method with those by fully-resolved simulations. The average difference of UTCI was just 0.06 ℃, indicating that the accuracy of our method is guaranteed. Besides, it only took 8 hours to complete the OTC assessment of this site with an area of 125,600 m2. The framework proposed in this study can be used to reveal the complete picture of OTC with affordable computational cost and reasonable accuracy.

Keywords: Outdoor thermal comfort; Fast fluid dynamics; Proper orthogonal decomposition; Reynolds number independence; Computational fluid dynamics
